April 12, 2013

King's Videographers Shine!

King's talented media students enjoyed the 10th Anniversary Olelo Youth XChange Student Video Competition on April 12, 2013 at the Ihilani Hotel. More than 600 students from public and private schools gathered for a celebration of the creative talents of all our students. Present from King were: Azaria Rodrigues, Ceydee Tagura, Gabe Kaneakalau, Kaimi Mossman, Kalei Tom-Detol, Leiana Kaopio, Malachi Davin-Olivares, Maya Faris, and Savannah Richardson. From the hundreds of statewide entries, King students were in the top three finalist in three of the media categories - Water Conservation, Underage Drinking, and Peacemakers.  A special DOE "Spirit Award" was presented to to King by our Complex Area Superintendent, Lea Albert, for having the highest number of submitted entries in the middle school category. Go Cobras! Much thanks goes to Mr. Brian Viola, King Media teacher, and Donna Ylen and staff of the Olelo Production Studio.

You can watch the awards banquet and view all the entries at this link:
Olelo Youth Xchange Entries