April 12, 2013

Channel Surf to Olelo

Olelo is very pleased to provide us with cable cast dates for our Cobra of the Month Assemblies: 

King Cobra Media: Cobra of the Month Awards Aug & Sept 2012
4/30/2013    1:30 PM    OAHU 55
5/1/2013    1:00 PM    OAHU 55
5/3/2013    8:00 PM    OAHU 55
5/8/2013    8:00 AM    OAHU 55
King Cobra Media: Cobra of the Month Awards Oct & Nov 2012
4/30/2013    5:30 PM    OAHU 55
5/1/2013    2:00 PM    OAHU 55
5/3/2013    6:00 PM    OAHU 55
5/8/2013    9:30 AM    OAHU 55