October 9, 2014

Make Report Card Time a Positive One for Everyone

Report Card Time

First quarter report cards were mailed home during the Fall recess. For some students and families, it will be a time for smiles and congratulations.  For others, it may be a time of disappointment and frustration.  How parents react to a report card is very important to your child.

Tips for Parents:
SIT DOWN with your child and look over the report card.
PRAISE YOUR CHILD. Find at least one good thing, e.g. a good grade, good attendance.
BE CALM! Let your child tell you about his/her grades – the good and the bad.
ASK your child what he/she can do to earn better grades.
ASK your child how you can help him/her do better in school.

If improvement is needed, MAKE A SPECIFIC PLAN with your child. Poor grades are often due to frequent absences, missing assignments, and/or poor quality of work turned in. For example:  "Your homework time will be from 3:00-5:00 p.m., everyday, TV/cell phone will be off. No work, no play." or "I will check your planner daily for written assignments and due dates." Look at your family schedule to make sure that it allows for time/quiet/space for homework. Prioritize events and appointments. 
Support daily, on-time attendance to school.
Encourage attendance to school tutorial (schedule below)
Encourage your child to ask for HELP from teachers and/or counselor.  

Parents: What grade would you give yourself at report card time? 
 If you haven't received a report card by October 17th, please call your child's counselor at 233-5727 (7th - Ms. Anderch, ext. 230 and 8th-Ms. Mumaw, ext. 232)

Tutorial Schedule at King