August 8, 2013


To all our returning and new Cobras
And to our Cobra Families

We started the week with our brand new 7th grade students and filled their day with lots of new information, sights and experiences. Our returning 8th grade students joined them on Tuesday and we are now back in business for the 2013-14 school year. We know it will take time for all of them to settle into their "non-summer" routines and expectations....but their eagerness and enthusiasm is a great starting point! Please let your child know that they should always feel free to ask for help...from their teachers, office staff, counselors or any adult on campus. We are here to help them be successful. Here are some reminders for parents too!
  • Complete all those "important forms" that were in your child's "Papers for Parents" binder pocket - Emergency Plan, Healthroom card, Uplink Registration, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance. All forms require completion and return (even if it is declining services).
  • Check that your child has the required school/class supplies
  • Check your daughter's short length - at least a 4-inch inseam.
  • Encourage your child to eat breakfast at home or school. Breakfast service in the cafe starts at 7:15 a.m.