July 1, 2013

Cobras Go to Washington!

Our upcoming 2014 8th grade students have a wonderful learning opportunity...a trip to  Washington D.C. and New York!

Visit our trip blog at ... King D.C. Trip Blog site

Also, find out more about the trip including costs and itinerary at Smithsonian Student Travel
Go to the link on the left side of the page that says "view your teacher's tour."
Use tour number 1377501cb to access the correct tour.

First fundraiser will be the Papa John's BOGO card. Sell for $10, profit $7. Please email joelle_neuman@notes.k12.hi.us with amount of tickets you would like.  You don't need to pay upfront BUT ALL MONEY needs to be turned in by the deadline. More information about ticket pick up and deadlines will be posted on the blog.

For more information/questions, email

Rochelle_Tavares/KING/HIDOE@ notes.k12.hi.us

It a great opportunity for your child! Learn more about it!