October 1, 2012

1st Quarter Report Card Time

First quarter report cards will be mailed home during the Fall Intersession (Oct. 1-5). For some students and families, it will be a time for smiles and congratulations.  For others, it may be a time of disappointment and frustration.  How parents react to a report card is very important to your child.

Tips for Parents:

      SIT DOWN with your child and look over the report card.
      PRAISE YOUR CHILD. Find at least one good thing, e.g. a good grade, good attendance.
      BE CALM - Let your child tell you about his/her grades – the good and the bad.
      ASK your child how you can help him/her do better in school.
      ASK your child what he/she can do to earn better grades.
      If improvement is needed, MAKE A PLAN with your child. Poor grades are often due to frequent absences, missing assignments, and/or poor quality of work turned in. Address these areas. Come up with some agreements on afterschool tutorial, study time at home, and scheduling of non-school activities.
      Clearly convey to your child your EXPECTATIONS for the 2nd quarter and the SUPPORT you will provide.


If you need assistance with developing a plan for 2nd Quarter, please call your child’s counselor:

7th grade Counselor                                         8th grade Counselor
Lauren Andersch                                                 Noreen Mumaw
233-5727, ext. 230                                          233-5727, ext. 232
lauren_andersch@notes.k12.hi.us                      noreen_mumaw@notes.k12.hi.us

Please keep our office informed of any address changes.  If you have not received a report card by October 11th, please call your child’s counselor.