September 15, 2016

Attention: Please Know Our School Attendance Policy

Information pages from the King Student Planner



ATTENDANCE (School Attendance Procedures, State of Hawaii, July 2010)
Students need to attend school daily and be in class on time so that optimum benefits of education can be achieved. Excessive absences and tardies are unacceptable and prevent maximum teaching and learning from taking place. In order to ensure students’ accountability for their attendance and to ensure consistent data collection, the school will process and maintain attendance on a daily basis.

All absences will be recorded as UNEXCUSED if a note or parent call is not received. If a student is going to be absent, a parent needs to contact the school (233-5727) by 9:00 a.m. The first 3 days of absences due to illness will be excused with a daily parent call only. After 3 days of absences, a doctor’s note (with clearance to return to school) is required for consecutive days absent due to illness. Please note that a student is marked absent for every period missed. Our automated phone system will be calling every student marked absent, so we thank you ahead of time if you have already made contact with the school.

ALL ABSENCES WILL BE RECORDED AS UNEXCUSED unless the following criteria are met with verification. The school will only excuse absences when written documentation (note) is submitted within three (3) days upon the student’s return to school, and absences are for one of the following reasons:

1. Illness, injury, quarantine (chicken pox, measles, etc.), verifiable by a doctor’s note (required after the third day of consecutive absence due to illness). If your child has excessive absences, we will ask to speak to your child’s doctor so we can assist in keeping your child in school, and you may be requested to get a doctor’s note for every day of absence.
Doctor/Dental appointment verifiable by a doctor’s note
Death in the family
Court attendance or approval
Special cases pre-approved by the Principal
School authorized activities, which may include but are not limited to:
a. On campus activities, such as: appointments with a counselor or
Administrator, treatment in the health room, assigned detention
or in-school suspension
Off campus activities, such as: student council related activities, field trips
Other activities pre-approved by the Principal or designee prior to the activity/absence occurring

Unexcused Absences include, but are not limited to:
Caring for the elderly
Entertaining visitors
Cleaning for home inspections
Family vacations (on/off island), trips*
Parent request without explanation
Personal business
Youth Camp*
Sports competitions*

*Note: Parents must notify the school administration in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of any extended absences due to family vacations, youth camps, and/or sports competitions. Administration has the discretion to determine if the absence will adversely affect student academics and/or if attendance is a concern and discuss those concerns with the parents and student. These absences will be recorded as unexcused.

Requesting Homework for Absences:
If a child is absent from school for three (3) or more consecutive days, the parent/guardian may request for homework by calling the school office at 233-5727. A 24-hour notice is needed for teachers when a homework request is made. You may pick up the homework at the front office after 2:30 p.m. of the day following your request. You may call the front office to confirm that there are assignments for your
child before coming to the school. Also, please check your child’s Jupiter Grade site for homework postings and/or downloadable assignments.

Class Cuts: Absolutely no make-up work will be given for class cuts.

·      Any student that is tardy upon arriving to school will need to check in at the office.
·      The school will only excuse tardies to school when written documentation is submitted and tardies are for one of the following reasons:
o   Medical/dental appointment with doctor’s note
o   Student detained by teacher/school official with note from person who detained student
o   Delayed school bus
o   Unusual weather circumstances (approved by Administration)
o   All excused absence reasons apply
An administrator must review all other reasons before a tardy is excused.

Unexcused tardies include, but are not limited to:
1.     Overslept/late start
2.     Missed the bus
3.     Babysitting
4.     Personal business
5.     Car problems

·      From class to class any student not in the classroom/assigned seat will be marked as late.

Excessive absences/tardies/class cuts will affect a student’s academic performance and may be subject to the following consequences:
Detention or in-school suspension
Parent conferences
A petition submitted to Family Court

Family and Community Engagement Notice

August 30, 2016

Mid-Quarter Progress Reports

This week marks the mid-point of Quarter 1. Parents will receive notification if their child is receiving a "D" or "F" in a course. Notification will be via Jupiter Grades and/or deficiency notice that is sent home with the student. Students and parents are encouraged to check Jupiter Grades regularly to monitor grades and assignment completion.

August 25, 2016

Volleyball Tryouts

King volleyball practice tryouts are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:00 - 4:45 pm. No Wednesdays during tryouts.

When the Team Roster is posted after September 9th, there will be added Wednesday practices from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Bellinger.

August 12, 2016

Love Running? Join Cross Country!

August 15:
Students who are interested in joining the cross country team should attend an information meeting on Monday, August 15 after school in PE-3.

August 22:
Practices will begin on Monday, August 22. Practices will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Practices will be held on and around the King Intermediate Campus.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Viola.

August 5, 2016

S. W. King Intermediate School 2016 -2017

  • Cell phones are allowed on campus. 
  • However, all cell phones and other electronic communication and entertainment devices (iPods, MP3 players, wireless speakers, handheld games, etc.) that are viewed or listened to, are not allowed to be used during the entire school day (between 7:55 a.m. to 2:24 p.m.). 
  • These devices must be turned off and put away (including passing time, recess and lunch), but may be used before and after the school day. 
  • Cell phones and electronic devices can be confiscated if they are seen in use during the instructional day.  
  • Confiscated phones and electronic devices will be held in the school office until the end of the day. 
  • Students are solely responsible for cell phones and electronic devices and bring these items to school at their own risk.  
  • School personnel will not investigate the misuse, damage, theft or loss of these items. 

Dress Code Reminders

August 4, 2016

Need help? Come to tutorial!

   Update: Wednesday after school tutorials will take place in classroom I-4

August 3, 2016

Please join us for Open House on Tuesday, August 9!

April 11, 2016

Join us in helping the HAWAII FOODBANK


March 24, 2016

Be Cyber Smart!

Cobra Parents and Guardians:

Help us keep your child cyber-smart. As we head towards winter break...and more free time on their hands...please talk to them about posting and sharing appropriate information only. 

   Keep your personal information private.
   Only add friends you know in real life.
   Set your profile and blog to private.
   Use a nickname that doesn’t identify your location, gender, or age.
   Never meet in person with anyone you first met online.
   Profile and photo share only with people on your friends list.
   Don’t post your plans or whereabouts on your site.
   Ignore harassing or rude comments posted on your profile.
   Never post sexually provocative photos.
   Talk to your parents or guardian if you are harassed
   Only share your password with your parent or guardian.
   Change your passwords often. Password protect your cell phone.
   Don’t post information, photos, or videos you might regret later.
   Think about your online image (Who will see this? What will they think?)
   Use privacy settings to limit access to your page; don’t let anyone – not predators or cyberbullies - gain access to information that’s yours.
   Remember that online choices have offline consequences and in some cases, legal implications.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!

February 4, 2016

Let's Keep our Kids Heart Healthy

Here's a convenient way to make a donation. Thank you for your support!
Click Here to Donate to the American Heart Association

Help us show that "King Cares"

King Ohana,

Join our students in the annual "Shoebox for Homeless" project. Each year our advisory classes put together wonderful shoeboxes filled with useful items for those in need. The cheerfully decorated boxes are distributed to various community agencies in the Windward community. You can make this a home project too. Put together a shoebox with your family. Make it a teaching moment too about giving, sharing and lending a helping hand.

See the flyer below for shoebox suggestions. We will need any filled and wrapped shoeboxes to be delivered to the King front office by Feb. 10, 8:00 a.m.

February 2, 2016

Campus Traffic Safety

King Ohana,

Thank you for driving your child to school everyday!

Sidewalks and crosswalks are busy with our students going to and from places in the morning and afternoon. And unfortunately, they are not always as alert as they should be about "looking before crossing" or staying on the sidewalks.  Help us keep our students safe by following our "Pick-Up and Drop Off" procedures. All student drop-off and pick-up should be at the gym, not in the cafeteria parking lot or front office area. If a student is on crutches, has a heavy band instrument or has another valid reason why they cannot walk the short distance from the gym to the main campus, then a main campus drop-off is allowed. And as always, please observe the speed limit on campus...."slow down."

Your cooperation is appreciated. Please inform our chauffeur Grandpas, Grandmas, Aunties and Uncles too!

King's Budding Scientists Rise to the Top!