February 14, 2013

Shop for Higher Education for Castle!

http://www.maryknollschool.org/view.image?Id=3013KING INTERMEDIATE PARENTS/OHANA/COMMUNITY,

"Foodland’s ‘Shop for Higher Education Program" for high schools continues now thru March 19, 2013.  Please designate Castle High to receive matching shopping points from your purchases at the check-out counter at Foodland and Shop 'N Save stores. 

We are presently in 17th place…but could jump up to 11th or 12th pretty quickly with YOUR help!  Top (5) schools win 5- $2000 scholarships for their graduating seniors; next (10) places receive 3- $2000 scholarship; next (10) places receive 2 - $2000 scholarships. 

These scholarships are a little more flexible in their criteria and therefore open to a wider student population.  An extra $2000 to many of our students could mean the difference between going to college next year or not.  Please support our community’s high school senior graduates in this effort. 

Kathy Martin, Castle High School PCNC

February 13, 2013

It's Cookie Time!

Join the King Ohana's School Kine Cookies Fundraiser.  It's easy, it's delicious, and it's a great help to our school. Your child received the fundraising flyer and ordering envelope. Please ask him/her for it. We appreciate all your help.

 Use this link below to watch a fundraising video!
It's COOKIE time!

February 7, 2013

We WANT TO KNOW what you think!

Parents & Guardians:
Your child received a School Quality Survey (in a white envelope) this week via his/her advisory class. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to give us valuable feedback on how we are doing in regards to your child's education. The survey responses are strictly confidential. A self-addressed, stamped envelope is provided for you to mail it to the Dept. of Education. Do not have your child return it to school. From your feedback we can continue what works and make improvements on what isn't. Thank you for your time!

February 1, 2013

Lots of News for You!

 Students will be participating in "Shoebox for Homeless" through their Advisory class. They are encouraged to donate a "gift" for their class box. Our King ohana can join in the spirit of giving by making a shoebox from your family. Filled and wrapped shoeboxes can be brought to the school office by February 14, 2013. Thank you!

Is your child a "born leader" or maybe has the potential to be one? Or is an energetic, hardworking and "can do" kid? Student Council might be the right place for him or her. Candidate packets are available now from Mrs. Kino.
There are many opportunities for students to receive help with their homework, classwork and projects.  Encourage your child to attend these sessions. Reminder: Midquarter Deficiency week is coming up, Feb. 4-8.